Me - O Wet Pouch Tuna with sardine in jelly (Kitten) 80g
Product ID: ME036

Product Description

Me-O Wet food features real fish, delivering a variety of textures and flavors that cats adore. Give your kittens a mouthwatering meal that they will savor from the first bite of Me-O wet food.For kittens that already enjoy Me-O dry kitten food, you can make mealtime even more delicious. We recommend using Me-O wet food as a topper for your nutritional kibbles to enhance the flavor and maximize your cat’s pleasure.

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Categories: PetShop PET FOOD CAT FOOD Wet Food Kitten Food

[[(value.addon_price != 0 ? (" (+"+value.addon_price_format+")") :]]
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Price details: + [[ productOption.translatedOptionName ]] [[productOption.addon_price_format]] + -
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Ratings & Reviews

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  • 3 [[productDetailsCtrl.itemRating.productUserRatings.threeStarRating.countVote]] vote(s)
  • 2 [[productDetailsCtrl.itemRating.productUserRatings.twoStarRating.countVote]] vote(s)
  • 1 [[productDetailsCtrl.itemRating.productUserRatings.oneStarRating.countVote]] vote(s)
User Reviews
[[ review.rating ]]

[[review.humanReadableDate]] by [[review.fullName]]

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