Pedigree Starter Mother & Pup 10kg
Product ID: PSMP10

Product Description

Pedigree Professional Range Starter Mother & Pup delivers premium nutrition which will ensure healthy and happy years for both the mother and the pups. As during gestation and lactation, the mother’s energy demands multiplies by 2 – 3 times their regular nutritional needs, so Professional Range STARTER Mother & Pup is nutritionally designed as a energy dense food to meet their high energy requirements . It also ensures that your little puppy reaches their maximum genetic potential to grow and has a smooth transition from mothers milk to solid food.#//

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Categories: PET FOOD DOG FOOD Dry Food Mother & Pup

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Price details: + [[ productOption.translatedOptionName ]] [[productOption.addon_price_format]] + -
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[[ review.rating ]]

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